Monday, March 9, 2009

Barack and Michelle Obama

OK, here is a dream from last night. I have no idea what made me dream this but here it goes....... In my dream Barack and Michelle Obama were staying with me at my house till they could move into the White House. I was showing them around and telling Michelle where she could put her things. She had a red suitcase full of cash that there were going to use to live on till they move in. Barack and I were doing errands around town and I was introducing him to everyone. When we got back to the house I just looked at him (still feeling rather surprised that they were staying with me) and said, "WOW, this is going to make a great story one day!"

I have no idea what this means or where it came from!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Tarot and the Symbolism of Color

May 1, 2009 I will be presenting "Tarot and the Symbolism of Color" at the Readers Studio. This is a very special yearly Tarot event created by The Tarot School in NYC.
Tarot and the Symbolism of Color..........Come with me and discover the symbolism of color in your Tarot cards. We will discuss color, what it represents in our culture, and how color applies to the Tarot. I don't know about you but I am very sensitive to color: in my home, wardrobe, car, office, you name it. Have you ever purchased a Tarot deck just based on the colors? I have! When we are finished, you will leave with two beautiful works of art illuminated by you and a better understanding of what colors resonate with you. The tarot art we will be using was done specially for this class by an award-winning artist to be named shortly. Please join me for a fun night. I'll supply the crayons, you supply the creativity!
For more information about The Readers Studio please go to my website
This is an amazing Tarot event that you do not want to miss!

Monday, January 19, 2009

State Police

Today I got pulled over in my little town by a State Trooper. For some reason I did not "Freak Out". I stayed calm, Temperance must have been watching over me. Greeted the Officer, With a Yes Sir. Having been a cop many years ago, this is the best way to start the conversation. He was very nice. Ran my lic. found no problems. I have my drivers lic. in my wallet with my old police ID on top. He asked to see the ID. Then we started talking about TAROT due to my lic. plate.
I related this story to a friend of mine in more detail and her comment was......"Well do hot redheads that used to be cops ever get tickets"? All I can say is let's hope not!!!!!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Presidential Tarot

What card would we use to represent our new President? Since we are talking the President this card should be from the Major Arcana of course.

The Fool - Well, the first think that comes to mind is anyone that would want this job is a Fool. BUT.. the Fool is also referred to as the HERO, so you know where this could go!

The Magician - comes to mind because he is going to have to be able to pull some rabbits out of his hat to clean up the mess we are in now! I am not sure if I have ever seen him wear a hat????

The High Priestess - comes to mind because he is going to need to be sensitive to women and believe me, we will know if he is not. Right Ladies?

The Empress - come to mind because he is going to need to nurture the country and perhaps the world.

The Emperor - comes to mind because he seems like a leader that will be accessible to the people and believes in family. I hope he can stay true to the Mrs.

The Hierophant - comes to mind because he will need to be a "foundation" for the people. He will be faced with philosophical questions and will seek answers. Let's just hope he consults the correct people.

The Lovers - comes to mind not so much on a romantic level but I feel this card represents his level of commitment to us. Don't break my heart please.

Justice - comes to mind because of the clear thinking he will need and the ability to be fair. This is will take a combination of cool reflection and warmth of personal relationships. Life is not black and white, there are plenty of gray areas.

Temperance - comes to mind in regard to the balance he is going to have to have in his thinking, relationships, personal and professional. The Tarot card Temperance was originally called PRUDENCE.

Strength - comes to mind because of the internal strength he is going to need to do the job. Also known as chracter.

The Hermit - comes to mind due to the time alone he will need to process, think, learn and mature. I hope he will take time and be willing to wait at times.

The Wheel of Fortune - He better be able to "roll with it baby".

The Hanged Man - comes to mind due the times when there will be a need for sacrifice of something perhaps cherished by him.

Death - comes to mind because of the major change he has already brought to this country. What's next?

The Devil - comes to mind to represent the struggles he will be dealing with daily. And I do mean daily!

The Tower - comes to mind because of the breaking down of existing thoughts, things, policies, and rebuilding he will be doing. This can be a very painful time.

The Star - comes to mind because of the hope he has already brought to some many people. I pray he come though for them.

The Moon - comes to mind because of the confusion he will be facing. He will need to tap into his intuitive skills also. Not everything is what it appears on the surface. I can help you with that!

The Sun - comes to mind because of the optimism that is surrounding him presently and his strong male energy. Did you see those vacation pictures?

Judgement - comes to mind because I hope he is ready. We will be judging him (as unfashionable as that is these days).

The World - comes to mind because I am thinking of his time of achievement. What he has achieved now, will be short lived (the honeymoon period). Then the real Fool's journey will start. At the end of this journey will we consider him the Fool or the Hero? Time will tell. Stay tuned.........its going to be an interesting journey.

So, I started out asking what ONE card would represent our President Elect Obama. I did not answer that question. Mr. Obama is going to need to draw on all the Major Arcana cards to pull this off. He we go together, stepping off on a new adventure.

Executive Tarot

Tarot is a tool for guidance and insight into your personal and professional life. We are all dealing with issues all the time. With the current financial problems facing each of us, this is a perfect time to look to the Tarot for assistance. I have been reading the Tarot professionally since 1995 and I am here to help you.