May 1, 2009 I will be presenting "Tarot and the Symbolism of Color" at the Readers Studio. This is a very special yearly Tarot event created by The Tarot School in NYC.
Tarot and the Symbolism of Color..........Come with me and discover the symbolism of color in your Tarot cards. We will discuss color, what it represents in our culture, and how color applies to the Tarot. I don't know about you but I am very sensitive to color: in my home, wardrobe, car, office, you name it. Have you ever purchased a Tarot deck just based on the colors? I have! When we are finished, you will leave with two beautiful works of art illuminated by you and a better understanding of what colors resonate with you. The tarot art we will be using was done specially for this class by an award-winning artist to be named shortly. Please join me for a fun night. I'll supply the crayons, you supply the creativity!
For more information about The Readers Studio please go to my website
This is an amazing Tarot event that you do not want to miss!
Sounds like fun...I like to color...smiles